Mina the Hollower is Yacht Club Games’ Link’s Awakening DX tribute

Yacht Club Games announced a new project, Mina the Hollower, during the Yacht Club Games Presents today on G4’s Xplay Live.

It’s a top-down action adventure game inspired by Game Boy Color titles like The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX. It also takes some aesthetic cues from classic monster stories like Dracula and Frankenstein.

The title has a Kickstarter, although Yacht Club notes that it is funding the majority of the game itself. The indie studio used Kickstarter for its first game, Shovel Knight, which became a big hit. The Kickstarter has a goal of $311,503.

“Compared to our original Kickstarter, we’re not in dire straits! We’re financing a majority of Mina the Hollower’s development internally,” explains the Kickstarter page. “Our main reason for launching a Kickstarter this time is to build a brand new universe in the same way we did with our first game, Shovel Knight, with our community involved in creating something special along with us! Every backer that joins the development will help to make a more robust game. Together, we’ll break new ground!”

Originally appeared on: TheSpuzz
