How-to move address bar to the bottom side of screen

Google has updated its Chrome browser for iOS devices with new features related to address bar placement. The updated browser lets users reposition the Chrome address bar on iPhones. Essentially, you can now move the address bar on the bottom side of the screen.

To move the address bar, long press on it and tap on the “Move address bar to bottom” option. Likewise, you can move back the address bar on the top side of the screen through a similar process. Additionally, it can be repositioned from the address bar section in the Chrome’s settings menu.

Google has been improving features related to the Chrome address bar for some time. Recently, it added new address bar-related features on Chrome for desktop. These include smart auto completion and better search suggestions.

The smart auto completion feature recognises visited URL based on previously searched keywords to reach that website. For example, it auto completes the Google Flights website’s URL when you type ‘Flights’, which is the keyword you searched the previous time to visit that website. The search bar also gives more accurate suggestions based on previously visited websites when the user misspells a URL name.

Desktop and mobile Chrome users can now also search within the bookmarked folders directly from the address bar by simply including the folder name in search. Additionally, Chrome address bar now shows suggestions for popular websites even if the user has not previously visited the website.

Originally appeared on: TheSpuzz
